A September to Remember!


I am thrilled to welcome September, and officially announce the move to our new and improved Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles! Since 2014, we have had the privilege of healing people from all walks of life. We always make an effort to create a safe, warm, and welcoming environment that helps ease patients as they navigate through the IV Ketamine Infusion Therapy process. I welcome you to come see us at our new location. I assure you we left no stone unturned and we paid extra attention to emphasizing privacy, sound attenuation, comfort, and a relaxing, beautiful aesthetic environment. We’ll have additional patient rooms, more administrative space, two in-suite restrooms, lots of natural light, easier access to less expensive parking, and a larger list of hotels and other local accommodations. On a personal note, I am looking forward to finally having my own office!
Although our current clinic on Wilshire Boulevard has served its purpose, and we made wonderful memories here that I will cherish forever, our entire team is thrilled at the opportunity to expand and have more breathing room to care for our patients. I’ve had a long rewarding career, but, never have I worked with a team as passionate as ours. They love what they do, bring a positive and caring attitude every day, and work together like a well oiled machine. It’s an honor to be in their presence. I look forward to watching them shine even brighter in our new home.
As we wrap up an amazing summer, I wish to thank my team and all who have helped make this move possible. A big thanks to our patients, who over the years shared with us quality feedback on our surveys which allowed us to pay extra attention to creating a comfortable new space. Last but not least, a special thanks to my wife and family, which includes “my star of a son,” Sam. Many of you know him as my Chief Operating Officer, and a leader here at Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles. Sam, without your efforts from day one,  none of this would have been possible.
May the end of summer be sweet for you all and the busy back to school season go smoothly. I look forward to seeing or caring for you in our new home. Make note of our address change to take effect in early October: 6801 Park Terrace, Suite 525, Los Angeles, CA 90045. The exact date will be announced soon. Have a wonderful September!

Dr. Steven L. Mandel

Spotlight on Alyssa
This month we celebrate Alyssa’s promotion to Patient Care Manager! 

Alyssa was one of the first full-time employees at Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles. Hired in early 2016, she spent the last few years as our Patient Care Coordinator (PCC). Many of you recognize her as the first voice you speak with when calling into the clinic, and the smiling face to welcome you as you walk through our doors. Alyssa has continued to advance her skills as a leader on our team by: maintaining our calendar, recruiting new staff, training team members, assisting with creating new protocols, managing social media, and so much more. As we expand and our staff grows, we are happy to announce Alyssa’s new title as Patient Care Manager (PCM). In this position she will manage the front desk administrative staff and operations, lead our social media efforts, and report regularly to the executive team. We thank Alyssa for her continued service at Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles. Her positive energy, heartfelt compassion, and commitment to the job is appreciated. Meet Our Team!

Mary Beth

Happiest of birthdays to Mary Beth, PA-C!

Join us as we wish Mary Beth a fabulous birthday month! We celebrated her special day with an office lunch and yummy desserts. Mary Beth, we appreciate you every day and love the commitment and energy you give to the team and patients. Cheers to the fabulous you!

Get Rid of Summertime Blues
“Summer is the season of BBQs, bathing suits… and the blues? Just because summer is ending doesn’t mean your good mood has to as well.”
“Sure, those lazy days will be less frequent, and the cold weather will force you to layer on clothing, but as the seasons change there is a lot to look forward to! Here are tips on how to get back into the swing of things, and remember, summer isn’t a limited time offer; it will be back next year!” Read Tips Here!

4 Rancho Cucamonga students have committed suicide since start of school year
Suicide rates go up when back to school season hits. Whether it is the increased bullying, advanced technology, lack of attention from parents and teachers, or depression that troubles the individual; the fact remains this is an epidemic. Please share with those you know and love that IV Ketamine Therapy can help! Read More


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