Postpartum Depression Treatment

Intravenous Ketamine: Postpartum Depression

When it comes to the benefits of IV ketamine, postpartum depression is a condition that responds especially well. While many new mothers are full of joy and positive energy after having a baby, many others suffer from a form of clinical depression that may require medical intervention: Postpartum Depression. When the “baby blues” persist for more than 2 weeks and/or impact the mother’s ability to function or care for her child, clinical interventions become necessary.

Intravenous ketamine for postpartum depression is a groundbreaking treatment that can give new mothers their joy and energy back, supporting the crucial connection between mother and child. Postpartum depression can be devastating to a family and their loved ones, but conventional treatments such as antidepressant medications and counseling may not work to relieve symptoms. Conventional medications like SSRIs have been shown to cause damage to the fetus during pregnancy and to newborns that are breastfeeding via the mother’s milk. Ketamine on the other hand, has not been shown to cause damage to either.

Understanding Postpartum Depression

Hormonal changes after childbirth or a miscarriage may be a trigger for postpartum depression. However, some women may develop symptoms while they are pregnant and these typically last at least two weeks or may start after delivery, usually within four weeks.

Common symptoms include depressed mood and irritability, anhedonia, significant weight changes, sleep problems, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, and even thoughts of death or suicide. Depressive symptoms may include anxiety and excessive worry that interfere with the mother’s ability to take care of the newborn and handle daily life stressors. This can be damaging to the entire family since this is such a crucial time for mother and child to bond.

We offer ketamine therapy for patients with various mood disorders, including postpartum depression. A ketamine infusion is one of the best alternative treatments to conventional postpartum depression treatment options and is growing in popularity as a safe and effective choice. Ketamine treatments work in hours to days, restoring the mother-child bond that depression disrupts more quickly during this critical time of development. This rapid relief has a positive impact on the entire family and even the community at-large.

Postpartum Depression Treatment Options

Antidepressant medications and non-pharmacologic treatments are a common course of treatment for mothers diagnosed with postpartum depression. However, SSRIs can take 4-6 weeks to take full effect, may cause unpleasant side effects, and pose risk to the child.
Common Postpartum Depression treatment options include but are not limited to:

  • Antidepressants, including SSRIs
  • Talk therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Counseling
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Dealing with depression as a new mother can be challenging for the mother and the family. Many medications take weeks to start working and a doctor may need to monitor the effects closely to determine the proper dosage. In addition, mothers need to be careful about certain types of drugs getting into their breast milk.

Dealing with depression as a new mother can be challenging for the mother and the family. Many medications take weeks to start working and a doctor may need to monitor the effects closely to determine the proper dosage. In addition, mothers need to be careful about certain types of drugs getting into their breast milk.

Try Ketamine for Postpartum Depression

Ketamine therapy is an attractive alternative to common postpartum depression treatments because of its high success rate in treating mood disorders with little risk to the patient or child. Depressive symptoms can be lifted within hours to days instead of weeks to months. In addition, the patient does not need to become dependent on a drug to maintain a stable mood. As few as 6 infusions over 2-3 weeks can provide many months of relief, if not long-term remission: plenty of time to form a healthy bond with the newborn and reassess longer-term treatment options (if necessary). Often, hormones and other PPD contributing factors have stabilized and no further treatment is needed at that point, especially for mothers who did not previously struggle with depression.

Ketamine and Breastfeeding

When it comes to ketamine and breastfeeding, it is not known whether ketamine is transmitted to the baby via breast milk through Ketamine infusions. Due to its short half-life and first pass metabolism, it is not likely that a detectable amount of ketamine will make its way to the baby. Conventional antidepressant medications, such as SSRIs, are known to be present in breast milk and have been shown to cause harm to the baby. In the absence of more information, it may be prudent to avoid breastfeeding for an interval following ketamine infusions. Ketamine is considered safe for use in infants and children receiving anesthesia, it is actually the preferred anesthetic for this sensitive demographic.

For Postpartum Depression, Infusion Therapy with Ketamine Can Help

If you or a loved one is suffering from postpartum depression, infusion therapy with ketamine may be the best option for safe, rapid relief. Complete a free Depression Assessment or contact Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles today to learn more about the benefits of ketamine therapy for postpartum depression. All inquiries are confidential and consultations are free, so call now.

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