Ketamine IV Therapy Can Help With Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Treatment with Ketamine

Chronic pain can severely restrict an individual’s ability to lead a normal life. Several causes may contribute to the development of chronic pain over time. If the condition is mild, it may still be possible to improve the painful symptoms with physical therapy, diet, exercise and anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen.

However, in many cases, superficial efforts may not successfully treat chronic pain or help a patient to cope with it. Furthermore, common pain meds, muscle relaxers, opiates and steroids have side effects and may be addictive. Against these options, Ketamine Therapy has proved to be a more sustainable, safer, and effective alternative.

A few IV treatments of ketamine can deliver very promising results to address the symptoms of chronic pain conditions such as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). Experienced anesthesiologist Dr. Steven L Mandel, founder of Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles, provides ketamine infusion treatments for RSD to patients in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Orange County, California, and other suburbs and cities in The Golden State.

What is RSD?

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) is a chronic pain condition that is severe and continuous, and often worsens over time. This condition typically affects a leg or an arm at first, and gradually spreads to other areas of the body. Ninety percent of the patients report an extension of the pain to other body parts, and one-third experience symptoms throughout the body.

The complexity of RSD and lack of research and clinical awareness limits the scope of current treatments. RSD is considered one of the most painful, long term chronic pain conditions with a score of 42 out of a possible 50 on the McGill pain scale. In extreme cases, the pain can even be worse than what a patient may experience during an amputation or childbirth.

Relief from RSD with Ketamine

In case of RSD, a process called central sensitization intensifies the pain by increasing the number of NMDA receptors, which amplify the pain signals. Ketamine Infusion Therapy can disrupt the NMDA receptors and help to block and reset the pain signaling, providing significant relief where other treatments have failed.

When NMDA receptors of peripheral nerves are blocked with Ketamine Therapy, the transmission of peripheral nerve pain is intercepted before it reaches the spinal cord and brain. This allows for rebooting of central pain centers and desensitization to peripheral pain signals.

Effectiveness of Ketamine for Chronic Pain

Chronic pain conditions such as RSD can develop a psychological dimension over time, and may even trigger the onset of depression. In these conditions, a more ideal treatment is Ketamine Infusion Therapy, which will simultaneously work on both physical pain and the symptoms of depression.

Ketamine Therapy designed to block and reset pain receptors in the brain and balance out key neurons and hormones by altering glutamate and GABA levels. This enables a simultaneous treatment of physical as well as psychological discomfort caused by chronic pain. To make the Ketamine IV treatments more effective, an experienced provider will customize the care plan to fit the patient’s specific needs.

The focused and notable Dr. Mandel receives patients from Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Orange County, California, and nearby areas for ketamine infusion treatments.

For more information about Ketamine Infusion Therapy treatments for depression, bipolar, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), fibromyalgia, pain syndromes and other conditions contact us at the Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles in Southern California (Orange County) by clicking here or calling  310-270-0625 

Treating patients from Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Orange County, San Diego, Palm Springs, San Francisco, Sacramento, CA,  Northern & Southern California, Las Vegas, NV and many other cities from west to east coast.

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