November Newsletter

November 22, 2017 – In This Issue:
Hello Friends,


The fall is upon us and it’s the busiest time of year for us. We strive to meet the needs of all of our depressed patients during this time of much change.


As we turn the calendar to November we are reminded that giving thanks and taking time to recognize all that we should be grateful for is a central aspect of the season. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday that is celebrated by many without any awareness of the energy that it brings. Making time for family and friends, taking days off work or school, dealing with the crowds on Black Friday, and transitioning into colder and shorter days, is a struggle for many. Whether you are excited about this time of year or challenged by it, we want you to know that we are here for you. If you are concerned that the fall season may set you back, speak to us about ways we can support you. Staying ahead of depression and anxiety this time of year is a key to happier holidays. We want to see you thrive and make the best of all the wonderful things this time of year has to offer.


We recently celebrated the birthday of our fabulous Patient Care Coordinator Alyssa. Many of you know Alyssa; she brings much joy to our front desk and is a huge support to our team. We also added lockers, so we have a nicer place for patients to secure their belongings. Lastly, an update on my end is that the clinic is growing. I have spent more time offsite, attending conferences and seeking and planning for a move to a new location within the same general area. My wonderful Physician Assistant, Mary Beth, has truly been my right hand. She is now leading the clinic on Thursdays and Fridays and I’m overjoyed with her partnership. I am grateful for the skill and compassion she brings to our patients and they have been very pleased with her great care. Together we make a great team!


Wishing you a delightful Thanksgiving!


Warm Regards,
Dr. Steven L. Mandel

During this time of year, we are reminded to be thankful for what’s important in our lives. We often list the time we have with those we love at the top of the list. We are also grateful for our incredible practice, the dynamics of our work family and how much we appreciate our wonderful patients. 
Have a Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends, and all that you are grateful for! 
Ketamine Clinics of LA will be closed TODAY Wednesday, 11/22 at 3:00pm and all day Thursday and Friday this week. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. Patients with urgent needs from us may call Dr. Mandel on his personal cell phone. 

Happy Birthday Alyssa!
Most of you have known Alyssa (Patient Care Coordinator) since the moment you first called our office. She is the face of our clinic and the voice that manages most of our calls. Celebrating birthdays is always an opportunity for our team to give thanks to our fellow co-workers and have a little fun outside of the office. Happy birthday Alyssa! Thank you for all that you do and for all the care and compassion you give to our patients. Cheers to another fantastic year!

It’s more than Instagram envy. And thanks to our ever-increasing digital dependence, it’s likely to get worse:
We live in an era of previously unimaginable luxury. Without leaving our sofas, we can conjure almost any book or film on our phone and enjoy it with exotic cuisine delivered right to our doorstep via an app. But there is a cost to this convenience that doesn’t appear on your credit card statement. Our indoor, sedentary and socially isolated lives leave us vulnerable to depression. The U.S., the most technologically advanced nation on the planet, is also the most depressed: Three in 10 Americans will battle depressive illness at some point in their lives, an estimated tenfold increase since World War II.



What is CRPS/RSD
Color the world Orange this November for CRPS/RSD Awareness Month. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) is a life-altering chronic condition. Living with CRPS/RSD offers many challenges to those who are affected by it. Challenges include difficulties with diagnosis, coping strategies after diagnosis, caregiver concerns, differences in the problems faced by adults and youths, insurance, workman’s compensation and other issues.

Read more…



About Survivor Day

Survivor Day is the one day a year when people affected by suicide loss gather around the world at events in their local communities to find comfort and gain understanding as they share stories of healing and hope. On November 18, 2017, there were close to 400 Survivor Day events in more than 20 countries.

All gatherings included a screening of The Journey: A Story of Healing and Hope, a compelling AFSP-produced documentary about the suicide loss experience, as well as a new follow-up featurette, The Journey Revisited, in which six of the original Journey participants gather three years later to reflect on how their grief and healing journey is evolving. Learn more…


The LACPA Represents More than 4,570 Licensed Psychologists:


 “The Los Angeles Psychological Association (LACPA) represents the more than 4,570 licensed psychologists within Los Angeles County by responding to the mental health needs of the community. Its purposes are to advance the science and profession of psychology and promote human welfare while educating the public about psychological issues.”
On Oct. 21st LACPA held their 29th year convention at the Double Tree Hotel in Culver City. Alyssa & Angel had a table set up at the event. There were several speakers, a lunch, an award ceremony, and some great networking. Thank you LACPA for putting on such a wonderful event!

New Lockers for Our Patients While They Receive Treatment.
We now have lockers and they have added much value to our patient care process. Cell phones, iPads, and laptops can be a big distraction during an infusion, so we no longer allow for their use. When personal belongings are in the room, people are tempted to reach for them. For the safety and protection of our medical team as well as our patients the next time you are in clinic, please lock up your personal belongings before you start your infusion. We hope you find them as cute and useful as we do! What was most entertaining was watching Sam (Chief Operating Officer) and Angel (Director of Operations) put them together. Good thing they get along so well.

Be sure to follow our new Instagram page and join the conversation. We look forward to sharing photos, updates, news and articles, fun videos and more! Visit us at:


Take control of your life, start feeling better today! Discover how Ketamine Treatments can relieve Depression and Chronic Pain!

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