Violence and Abuse Trauma and How to Treat PTSD

PTSD Treatment with Ketamine Infusion Treatments

Violence Abuse Trauma PTSD Treatment with KetamineDomestic violence, child abuse, and sexual assault can cause lasting psychological and emotional damage to a victim. Such events often lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms, which may appear at any point of time after the trauma – sometimes even after years. As the social challenges continue to rise, the PTSD disorder is also becoming increasingly common in society.

While there is no single proven treatment for PTSD in conventional medicine that can produce predictable outcomes in a safe way and with minimal side effects, ketamine infusion treatment has emerged as a viable solution for PTSD. Ketamine Therapy avoids the severe, undesirable side effects, and delivers rapid and sustainable relief to the patients suffering from PTSD symptoms.

In some cases, ketamine treatment may be combined with psychotherapy for better outcomes. Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles, led by Dr. Steven L Mandel, provides state of the art Ketamine Infusion Therapy procedures to patients in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, California, and surrounding locations and other cities across the horizon.

Sexual Trauma

Sexual trauma can occur to anyone, but children and women are more vulnerable to sexual abuse and sexual assault. Parents need to exercise vigilance and take the necessary steps to minimize the risk of their child becoming a victim of sexual abuse at home, school, or other places.

Sexual crimes against women occur with an alarming frequency, and they can permanently scar the victim’s psyche at some level. Men who are victims of sexual assault suffer in similar ways. Post traumatic stress disorders are common in these victims, and if not treated appropriately in a timely manner, the disorder can lead to severe depression and even suicidal thinking.

Acts of violence may typically include domestic violence due to abusive relationships, and can have an impact on the entire family, including the children. Community and neighborhood violence is another common occurrence, which can give rise to the symptoms of PTSD for the victim.

Ketamine Infusion Therapy

The FDA had originally approved ketamine for anesthesia, but it is now often recommend for off-label uses to address the symptoms of pain, depression and PTSD. Ketamine Therapy is known to have positive effects by way of mitigating the symptoms of PTSD. Medical researchers are increasingly recommending ketamine as a promising treatment for patients of PTSD who have not responded well to other treatment options.

Ketamine infusion treatments are administered through IV at sub-anesthetic doses, which avoid major side effects and make it safe for treatment in the office. Any mild side effects of the treatment are only transient and will disappear in about two hours. Compared to oral medications, Ketamine Infusion Therapy produces much faster results that will last in a sustainable way.

Research has shown just one infusion of ketamine for about 40 minutes may lead to a rapid decrease in the symptoms of PTSD. If the patient is going to respond positively to ketamine, both the patient and the doctor will know after one to two infusions. Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles receives patients for ketamine infusion treatments from Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, California, and nearby areas.

For more information about treatments for depression, bipolar, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), fibromyalgia, pain syndromes and other conditions contact us at the Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles in Southern California (Orange County) by clicking here or calling  310-270-0625 

Treating patients from LA, Beverly Hills, Orange County, San Diego, Palm Springs, San Francisco, Sacramento,CA,  Las Vegas, NV and many other cities from west to east coast.

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